Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung

Artikel ini diambil dari The Vancouver Sun ( Ini adalah fakta tanpa perasaan prejudice terhadap ras atau agama tertentu. Saya lebih mementingkan segi kemanusiaan dan kekeluargaannya waktu saya mengangkat topic ini.

'Honour killings' on the rise in Canada: Expert

More prevalent in the Muslim world, it's a phenomenon many parents here can't even begin to comprehend.

The killing of one's own child — usually a daughter — because her behaviour is believed to have brought shame to the family.

It is the fate of some rape victims, as well as women accused of infidelity or premarital sex in countries such as Pakistan. But in the West, it's increasingly popping up in courtrooms as first-generation Muslims struggle to balance the strict old-world ways of their parents with a desire to fit into a more liberal society.

On June 16, the father and brother of a slain Mississauga, Ont., teen were sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to the December 2007 murder of Aqsa Parvez, a 16-year-old girl of Pakistani descent who wanted to wear western clothes and get a part-time job like her Canadian peers.
Days ago, an Afghan mother was arrested in Montreal, accused of stabbing her 19-year-old daughter after she stayed out all night in a case that's now being probed as a possible honour crime.
And then there's the case last year of Muhammad Shafia, his second wife, Tooba Muhammad Yahya, and their son, Hamed Shafia, accused of killing Shafia's first wife and three daughters, who were found in a vehicle submerged in a canal in Kingston, Ont.

Dr. Amin Muhammad is a psychiatrist at Memorial University in St. John's, N.L., who is currently working on a report for the federal government about honour killings in Canada. He said there've been 13 such cases in the country since 2002.
"We are seeing an upward trend," he said. "More cases are coming to the forefront in the legal system."
Noting honour killings are not in any way condoned in the Qur'an, Islam's holy book, he suggested the idea is coming up more as a defence for murder by people hoping to take advantage of Canada's cultural sensitivity in order to receive a more lenient sentence.
He also said he suspects mental-health issues are behind most cases.
"We cannot rule out personality disorder among the perpetrators or some sort of psychopathology," he said.
"I think all such cases should be evaluated from a mental-health perspective."
Muhammad said that since the UN began cracking down on the issue of honour killings, no country is any longer officially supporting the practice.

That said, a report Muhammad published two years ago found a number of countries actually allow for a partial or full defence against criminal charges on the basis of honour killing, including: Argentina, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Guatemala, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Venezuela, Peru and Egypt.

While many recent cases in western society involve Muslims, Muhammad said honour killings have also been committed in the name of Hinduism, Sikhism and Christianity.
But just as most Canadians shudder in disbelief at these stories, so too do the majority of Muslims.
Imam Zijad Delic of the Canadian Islamic Congress said there is "nothing Islamic" in taking a human life.

He calls it a personal issue more than a cultural one and suggested perpetrators of so-called honour crimes are not unlike the white, Canadian-born and bred mother who suddenly kills her children in that both are ultimately unable to deal with the challenges of domestic life.
While new Muslim immigrants struggling to integrate into Canadian society are often reluctant to talk openly about the problems they may be experiencing at home with their children, he said, the issues are being addressed in mosques and community centres.
"Last Friday, my sermon in Toronto was about Canadian-Muslim family dynamics and I had about 600 people listening," he said.
"They will not go into a public forum to talk about it but they would come to workshops and listen."
Delic said young people often approach him for guidance when facing a cultural conflict with their parents and that just as Greek and Italian families eventually found a balance between traditional and liberal values, so too will Muslims.
"We are going through the process of integration and I'm quite positive that we are at this point of time reasonably integrated," he said.
"You cannot judge Canadian-Muslim communities on the basis of what happened to Aqsa Parvez."
According to the United Nations Population Fund, an estimated 5,000 women and girls are murdered every year in so-called honour killings around the world.

The 2008 report co-written by Muhammad suggests honour killings date back to ancient societies. According to the report, Incan law allowed husbands to starve their wives as punishment for adultery, while the Aztecs permitted stoning or strangulation as punishment for such crimes.
As it's known in Pakistan, where it remains fairly common, karo-kari was only recently outlawed, though "perpetrators are rarely brought to justice," said the report.

According to the report, there are also a number of cases of fake honour killings in which stories of infidelity may be fabricated in order to get rid of somebody for financial or other reasons.

Aneh, jelas –jelas mereka pindah ke Kanada, negara yang berbudaya barat dimana majority dari penduduknya beragama Nasrani. Bagaimana caranya bisa membesarkan anak di lingkungan yang baru dan berharap anaknya tidak terpengaruh? Mungkin karena mereka tidak mengenal pepatah “Dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung”.

Honour is important, but this is just plain stupid…..

2 komentar:

  1. "Agama adalah racun bagi masyarakat" Ungkapan ini (menurut saya) tidak sepenuhnya salah.

  2. Saya setuju, tergantung orang yang menerimanya. Jika agama dianggap sebagai "the only thing" maka hubungan antara manusia dan Tuhannya menjadi tidak sehat. Manusia di tempatkan di dunia, mau tidak mau, harus mengurusi urusan duniawi juga, tidak hanya terpaku pada urusan surga.
